Mario Bonato is Associate Professor at the Department of General Psychology in Padova.
He is a neuropsychologist holding a Master Degree in Experimental Psychology, PhD in Cognitive Science).
He has specific clinical expertise in post-stroke cognitive assessment. Among young researchers, dr Bonato is considered a leading expert in the assessment of visuo-spatial disorders. He devised a very sensitive computer-based dual-task method for the diagnosis of hemispatial neglect following unilateral brain damage. This approach mimics everyday demands and might become the gold standard for the diagnosis of hemispatial neglect in the chronic phase (Bonato, 2015).
He published mostly as leading author (first and corresponding), several scientific articles, in the most widely read and better-ranked peer-reviewed international journals for neuropsychology and experimental psychology.
He attracted more than 300k € of research grants by successfully participating in competitive calls at national (Belgium and Italy) and European level. His international profile is very strong and includes 4+ years in Ghent (Belgium). He regularly acts as reviewer for all the best international journals within the domains of experimental psychology, neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience (about 35 journals).
Research interests: Visuo-spatial attention, spatial cognition and spatial awareness, particularly in brain-damaged patients (e.g. hemispatial neglect following stroke). Clinical neuropsychology: computer-based diagnosis and rehabilitation. Numerical cognition: number/time-space interactions.
Publications: Google Scholar, ResearchGate