
Aging (11)
Attention, Perception and Action (26)
Behavioral and Neuropsychological testing (38)
Brain behavior mapping (18)
Brain connectome and Networks (18)
Circuits and Cellular Neuroscience (27)
Circuits Neuroscience (22)
Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience (47)
Cognitive and Brain Development (16)
Computational Modeling (18)
Computational Neuroscience (37)
Dept. of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation (DPSS) (13)
Dept. of General Psychology (DPG) (16)
Dept. of Neuroscience (DNS) (21)
Electrophysiology and Optical Imaging (32)
Events (135)
External Affiliates (11)
Eye-tracking (15)
Focal lesions (stroke and tumors) (15)
Home News (26)
Home Slider (44)
Language, Memory and Cognition (17)
Machine learning and AI, Brain Computer Interface (16)
MRI Methods (20)
Neuro-stimulation (15)
Neurodegeneration (15)
Neuroscience Methods (63)
News & Events (206)
News and Press release (106)
Past Available Positions (32)
People (86)
Psychiatric disorders (17)
Psychophysiology (17)
Publications (134)
Publications: 2018 (48)
Publications: 2019 (49)
Publications: 2020 (18)
Publications: 2021 (15)
Publications: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (29)
Publications: Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience (70)
Publications: Multimodal Neuroimaging and Methodological research (14)
Publications: Translational and Clinical Neuroscience (18)
Social and Affective Neuroscience (20)
Translational and Clinical Neuroscience (46)
Working @ PNC (17)

Name Surname Department
Christian Agrillo Department of General Psychology
Ettore Ambrosini Department of Neuroscience
Alessandro Angrilli Department of General Psychology
Angelo Antonini Department of Neuroscience
Manfredo Atzori Department of Neuroscience
Chiara Begliomini Department of General Psychology
Silvia Benavides Varela Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Alessandra Bertoldo Department of Information Engineering
Alessandro Bertoli Department of Biomedical Sciences
Angelo Bisazza Department of General Psychology
Patrizia Bisiacchi Department of General Psychology
Mario Bonato Department of General Psychology
Mario Bortolozzi Department of Physics and Astronomy
Matteo Caleo Department of Biomedical Sciences
Tito Calì Department of Biomedical Sciences
Diego Cecchin Department of Medicine
Nicola Cellini Department of General Psychology
Giorgia Cona Department of General Psychology
Maurizio Corbetta Department of Neuroscience
Simone Cutini Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Domenico D’Avella Department of Neuroscience
Marco Dal Maschio Department of Biomedical Sciences
Stefano De Marchi Department of Mathematics
Alessandra Del Felice Department of Neuroscience
Roberto Dell’Acqua Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Teresa Farroni Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Angela Favaro Department of Neuroscience
Livio Finos Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Marco Formentin Department of Mathematics
Valentina Franceschi Department of Mathematics
Paolo Gallo Department of Neuroscience
Claudio Gentili Department of General Psychology
Judit Gervain Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Ramón Guevara Department of Physics and Astronomy
Jeff Kiesner Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Andrea Landi Department of Neuroscience
Mario Liotti Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Claudia Lodovichi Veneto Institute of Molecular Medicine
Ivan Marchionni Department of Biomedical Sciences
Alessandro Martini Department of Neuroscience
Stefano Masiero Department of Neuroscience
Aram Megighian Department of Biomedical Sciences
Massimo Melucci Department of Information Engineering
Emanuele Menegatti Department of Information Engineering
Giovanni Mento Department of General Psychology
Simone Messerotti Benvenuti Department of General Psychology
Edoardo Midena Department of Neuroscience
Maria Elena Miletto Petrazzini Department of General Psychology
Arianna Palmieri Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology
Daniela Palomba Department of General Psychology
Morten Gram Pedersen Department of Information Engineering
Maria Pennuto Department of Biomedical Sciences
Francesca Peressotti Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Daniela Pietrobon Department of Biomedical Sciences
Paola Rigo Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Filippo Romanato Department of Physics and Astronomy
Elena Salillas Collaboratore Esterno
Fabio Sambataro Department of Neuroscience
Michela Sarlo Department of General Psychology
Luisa Sartori Department of General Psychology
Cristina Scarpazza Department of General Psychology
Roberta Sellaro Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Carlo Semenza Department of Neuroscience
Paola Sessa Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Francesca Simion Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Marco Solmi Department of Neuroscience
Giovanni Sparacino Department of Information Engineering
Chiara Spironelli Department of General Psychology
Samir Simon Suweis Department of Physics and Astronomy
Luca Tonin Department of Information Engineering
Stefano Tortora Department of Information Engineering
Patrizia Trevisi Department of Neuroscience
Eloisa Valenza Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialisation
Antonino Vallesi Department of Neuroscience
Stefano Vassanelli Department of Biomedical Sciences
Alexandra Wennberg Department of Neuroscience
Mauro Agostino Zordan Department Biology
Marco Zorzi Department of General Psychology