Valentina Franceschi is Assistant Professor (RTD-B) at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Padua.
I graduated in Mathematics at the University of Bologna in 2012. Within my degree I was selected as international student for an exchange program at Temple University, Philadelphia in 2011.
I obtained my PhD in Mathematics in 2016 at the University of Padova.
Between 2016 and 2020 I developed my research through post-doctoral experiences mainly in France, first as research collaborator of the Inria Paris team CAGE, then as Lecteur Hadamard at Université Paris-Sud in 2018 and finally as Marie Skłodowoska Curie Fellow at Sorbonne Université within the individual project MesuR.
With a formation in pure mathematics, part of my research is now devoted to cortical inspired models for imaging and vision. I am a member of the group “Matematica delle immagini, della visione e delle loro applicazioni” within Unione Matematica Italiana and I participate to the international project RUBIN-VASE, funded by the French national research agency (ANR) on cortical inspired models for vision. I have been invited editor for a special issue on Color representation and cortical-inspired image processing on the of Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, and I collaborated in the organization of conferences on mathematical imaging and vision.
Main Research Interests:
Mean field cortical inspired models for vision with applications to visual illusions.
Geometric Analysis with a focus on sub-Riemannian geometry,