author = {Veronese, Mattia and {Reis Marques}, Tiago and Bloomfield, Peter S and Rizzo, Gaia and Singh, Nisha and Jones, Deborah and Agushi, Erjon and Mosses, Dominic and Bertoldo, Alessandra and Howes, Oliver and Roncaroli, Federico and Turkheimer, Federico E},
title = {{Kinetic modelling of [ {\textless}sup{\textgreater}11{\textless}/sup{\textgreater} C]PBR28 for 18 kDa translator protein PET data: A validation study of vascular modelling in the brain using XBD173 and tissue analysis}},
doi = {
issn = {0271-678X},
journal = {Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow {\&} Metabolism},
keywords = {3d modelling,endothelium,immunohistochemistry,kinetic modelling,[11C]pbr28,tspo,xbd173},
pages = {0271678X1771238},
url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0271678X17712388},
year = {2017},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}