Francesca Peressotti, PhD is Full Professor (M-PSI/01) at the Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione, where she is a member of the CoLab.
Research Interests
FP’s research is at the intersection of several domains of Cognitive Science and Neuroscience, including visual perception, orthographic, phonological and semantic processing. It is aimed at investigating the functional architecture of the language system and it is primarily based on data coming from behavioral and electrophysiological measures, comparing the performance of different individuals, such as, e.g., adults, children, bilinguals, deaf people speaking of the Italian Sign Language. In a general sense, the approach used is to look at the language system taking into account experimental data coming from different domains focusing on the interactions between the language system and other cognitive functions, such as spatial attention, visual short memory, executive functions.