Andrea Zangrossi

Andrea Zangrossi is an Assistant Professor (RTD-A) at the Department of General Psychology (DPG) of the University of Padova.

He obtained a Master’s Degree in Neuroscience and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in 2011, and a PhD in Psychological Sciences in 2017 at the University of Padova (Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Sartori). During his PhD, he was a visiting researcher at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN), Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany) where he collaborated with Prof. John-Dylan Haynes.

Between 2017 and 2023, he held positions as postoctoral fellow at the Department of Neuroscience (DNS), and at the Padova Neuroscience Center (PNC) of the University of Padova, under the supervision of Prof. Maurizio Corbetta. In 2018 he won a grant from the BIAL Foundation with a project entitled “When style matters: do oculomotor fingerprint and brain dynamics explain visual exploration and memory strategies?”.

His research activity is mainly focused on the following topics: behavioral prediction, the relation between oculomotor behavior and brain functioning, behavioral and psychophisiological techniques to reveal individual information (e.g., autobiographical memories). He also actively seeks to translate these approaches into clinical and forensic neuroscience applications.