Michele Allegra

Michele Allegra is Researcher (RTD-A) since September 2021 at the “Galileo Galilei” Physics and Astronomy Department and the Padua Neuroscience Center of the University of Padua.

Upon completing a Ph.D in quantum physics at University of Turin, my research interests switched towards data analysis for neuroscience and I joined the Statistical and Biological Physics sector of the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, where I worked in Prof. Alessandro Laio’s group from 2015 to 2018. My research activity within Laio’s group focused on advanced clustering techniques and their application to the study of dynamically changing brain connectivity. I deepended my focus on neuroscience during my stay at the Timone Neuroscience Institute (CNRS) in Marseille (2018-2021), where I joined the BraiNets group led by Andrea Brovelli. In Marseille I worked on the characterization of directional connections in brain networks, and their disruption in stroke.

My main research interest is understanding functional connections and in the brain, and their relation with the underlying dynamics. In my research I use a wide variety of tools including dimensionality reduction, information theory, and model inference.

I am author of 18 publications, of which 11 as a leading author. I lecture on statistics, data analysis, inference and information theory to physics undergraduate students and Neuroscience PhD students.

Personal web page: https://micheleallegra.github.io/

Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pwlWv54AAAAJ&hl=it&oi=ao

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