Adaptive neural networks in resting human brain explains coexistence of avalanches and oscillations
by dr. Fabrizio Lombardi, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) – Vienna
When: December 1st, 2022 – 3:00 pm
Where: Sala Seminari – VIMM. 50 seats available. Mask is mandatory. Registration Link
Abstract: Neurons in the brain are wired into adaptive networks that exhibit a range of collective dynamics. Oscillations, for example, are paradigmatic synchronous patterns of neural activity with a defined temporal scale. Neuronal avalanches, in contrast, are scale-free cascades of neural activity, often considered as evidence of brain tuning to criticality. While models have been developed to account for oscillations or avalanches separately, they typically do not explain both phenomena, are too complex to analyze analytically, or intractable to infer from data rigorously.