Nicola Cellini is Assistant Professor (RTD-b) at the Department of General Psychology of the University of Padova.
He authored about 50 papers in international journals on sleep psychophysiology. His main research interests are the beneficial role of sleep in cognitive functions in healthy and clinical populations and the validation of wearable devices for physiological assessment in ecological conditions. He recently started to work on the development and use of non-invasive techniques to stimulate the sleeping brain to improve memory consolidation and sleep quality in humans.
He has a network of national and international collaborators including researchers from Stanford Research International and University of California Irvine.
He attracted more than 200k € of research grants by successfully participating in competitive calls and grants from industry. He is an ad-hoc reviewer for more than 30 important international journals within the domains of psychophysiology and experimental psychology and served as invited speaker to several international scientific conferences.
He has supervised numerous trainees and master students and a post-doc.
He currently teaches Neurophysiology and he received from M.I.U.R (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) the National Scientific Habilitation as Associate Professor in ‘General Psychology, Psychobiology and Psychometrics’ (11/E1).
For a list of peer-reviewed international publications, see:
[…] sperato di poter imparare durante il sonno, ma è veramente possibile? Ne parliamo con il dottor Nicola Cellini, ricercatore in psicobiologia e psicologia fisiologica presso l’Università di Padova ed […]