Selection notice no 1 for the awarding of one position at the Padova Neuroscience Center in the framework of the PNRR Cascading Grant Project INSIGHTS
Title of the Project
“Analisi e modellizzazione multimodale dell’attività cerebrale” (in English: “Multimodal analysis and modeling of brain activity”), Research Supervisor Prof. Samir Simon Suweis
Purpose of the Research Grant
The purpose of this Research Grant, which is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU – through MUR PNRR fundings in the framework of the project MNESYS “A multiscale integrated approach to the study of the nervous system in health and disease” – PE00000006, Missione 4 “Istruzione e ricerca”, Componente 2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa”, Investimento 1.3 “Creazione di Partenariati Estesi alle università, centri di ricerca, alle aziende per il finanziamento di progetti di ricerca di base”, M4C2 Spoke 2, CUP: B83C22004960002, is to grant research into:
The global aim of the research fellowship is developing data analysis and modeling strategies to integrate multimodal neuroimaging data within a common framework.