Preparing for your scientific career: The relevance of publishing
by Dr. Elena Becker-Barroso, Editor-in-Chief at The Lancet Neurology
When: June 6, 2024, at 2:30 pm
Where: Sala Seminari VIMM (Fondazione per la Ricerca Biomedica Avanzata Onlus, Via Orus 2, Padova)
Who: The seminar is addressed to PhD students and post-doc fellows
Abstract: The dissemination of findings and hypotheses is an essential part of the work of a scientist. However, most students aiming at a scientific career are not familiarised with academic journals and their procedures. I will describe the procedures that editors at The Lancet group use to select and prioritise articles for publication. The Lancet was founded in London (UK) in 1823, whereas The Lancet Neurology was launched almost two centuries later, in 2002.